Sunday, January 26, 2014

Nocturnal Notations

  • A few times a year I have a nightmare in which the central unit kicks on causing  a door to slam. It always coincides with the real unit coming on and startles me awake. I get up and all the doors are still open. I've been up for 13 minutes ( 01/26/2014 @0157 ) and my heart is still pounding.
  • It is a boon to FG's dumb cat though- I'm always in an obliging mood and pet him and scratch under his chin.
  • An earlier headline: " Are West Coasts Waters Tainted With Radiation? " My answer without reading is NO but most schmucks would be, OMIGOD, the water is radiated we're gonna die! or at the very least they will have a persistent doubt about it.
  • Another headline related a teacher bringing pot brownies to her school and the ensuing "illnesses" that caused multiple teachers and a family member to seek treatment at a hospital. She looked crazy true enough but what was she thinking?
  • I probably read and heard as much as anybody about the brain dead Texas mom who was pregnant with an unviable baby and the family wanting her off life support. Why did it take until the judge ordered her off the support for me to hear the radio news mention both the decedent and her husband were paramedics?
  • They need to redefine in an easily digestible way, life support. The person is not alive and the equipment used to support function is not keeping them alive in any sense.
  • Organ function support?
  • My ears are ringing.
  • I have an friend on my mind like crazy. Maybe I should buy a motorcycle and go see him and tour the country together or something. He rides a Harley so we would be splitting our time between being broke down on the side of the road and the waiting room of shops so we would at least be able to catch up I suppose.
    I like this pic from MWSP. I can hear the boats clanking together when I see it

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