Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday's Missives

Somewhere in Sanger.

  • We pay people in places where we have no business being a lot of money to do or not do things they should already do or not do, while moaning about the money we waste at home on our own citizens. Then if all else fails or often simultaneously we go to war, fronting most of the money and sacrificing most of the lives to make people do or not do the things they should already be doing or not doing in the first place.
  • The preceding in a nutshell is my view of our foreign policy.
  • Recently I've read a couple of articles about the killing of a dog or dogs which was referred to as murder- good grief.
  • I want to try that Rocket Fuel brand coffee. Also, I always forget to look for it but I love coffee with chicory. It is still very popular in Louisiana where they started using it as a result of Union blockades.
  • I have had the Imagine Dragons song Radioactive playing in a loop in my brain for about 30 hours now. It literally served as background music for my dreams last night.
  • I have been using ice packs on my back recently and it helps the pain a lot. An odd consequence though is I'll be stiffer than normal later secondary to not re positioning as frequently.
  • There has been a lot of discussion about disability fraud recently with writers correctly in my view asking," is this the new retirement plan?" There are so many fakers that it is very difficult to be treated anywhere near fair if you don't ham it up and throw down an Oscar worthy performance when you go through the disability process for the military- sad but true. Guys literally coach each other and share tips on looking pitiful. I don't want to be too specific but people outside the system who have an interest in the welfare of guys being evaluated will say things like, When you go in don't be in too big of a hurry to get around anywhere.  You have a cane- use it. You aren't going for a promotion board, don't wear that pressed uniform and there is no reason to shave that morning...
  • As bad as this issue is today when a guy came back from OIF 1/Afghanistan and even the Gulf War if he they so much as squeaked he could get a 50% rating. Honestly, I know 2 different guys, one a soldier and one a Marine who had back injuries. The Marine actually fought to stay, in the soldiers injury happened just as his enlistment was winding down and he wanted out. Both were forced to stay longer for their board, both felt they were 100% after their therapy and a little time etc. and both received honorable medical discharges with 50% ratings. One is a truck driver and the other an oilfield worker.

  • Sharkarosa residents.


an Donalbane said...

I bet that Aero-TOYO truck gets 50 mpg, and could probably add another 20 if the owner straps some o' those magnets to the fuel line - to, ya know, line up those little gasoline molecules and stuff.

Yeah, that's the ticket...

an Donalbane said...

Oh, and don't let Dew see the picture of that goat.

He/she's a looker.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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