Saturday, April 27, 2013

Gearing up

for EDGE Fest 2013! Two Red Bulls, 3 ibuprofen and a chopped sammie with jalapenos from Baker's and I ought to be good to go. See you there. I have two extra tickets- too bad I don't know you, I would totally square you away.
Object lesson #643: Don't throw your foot up on the coffee table while friend-girl is painting her nails and dare her to paint yours...


Unknown said...

Your toenail is awful purty.

Who is playing EDGE Fest?

an Donalbane said...

OK, so RPM goes to the barber to get shaven, and you're getting pedis.

Heck, I just use an angle grinder with a knotted cup brush to get the green stuff out from between my toes - just like any other normal man...

el chupacabra said...

Hey Katy- Thanks! In case you look back here- I'll answer with a comment on your blog and a post here later.

Don- Yeah, there is a lot of tomfoolery goin' on around here these days.