Monday, October 24, 2011

Mondays Missives

  • A childhood best friend achieved schoolyard notoriety for being pushed backwards over a wall, doing a backflip in mid air and after falling 8 or more feet- landing upright on his feet. He looked surprised as the rest of us. He didn't so much as sprain an ankle.

  • He died in a horrible car wreck in his twenties.

  • I love black olives, but never, ever buy them or order them on food.

  • My eldest took his six hour driving school today through Sears. I was impressed by how impressed he seemed to be at the amount of useful information he learned.

  • It doesn't look like it will rain tonight- or ever again.

  • The snake we saw at Holland's Lake and I couldn't ID was a Plains blackhead. They are tiny even fully grown, secretive and only lay 2-3 eggs a season so we were lucky to see it.

  • Oh, so this is what it's like when when worlds collide.


an Donalbane said...

My daughter would probably catch one of those snakes and bring it to me to look at.

Me - not so much the fan of the serpents, but I will obligingly handle one if I know it's not poisonous.

The folks who seek out snakes, like at the Rattlesnake Roundup = plumb crazy.

el chupacabra said...

I know Don- I gottcha, but these little guys are quite harmless AND if you ever see one- you're lucky. Even people interested in them- professional herpetologists may never see one in the wild.
I didn't touch the dang thing since as a baby- it had a very angular head which usually means,'Touch me you die...' and it was crazy aggressive. It coiled up and struck at me like a rabid cobra.