Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday's Missives

  • Zac is going to make a cake today. He can do 90% of the work himself.

  • He can also send text messages.

  • Athough- no, he cannot write yet.

  • Last night, I held the dog tag worn by a World War I soldier who fought in an infantry engineer unit. It is nearly one hundred years old.

  • Recently, I looked through some issues of Texas Fish And Game. The amount of grammatical errors, missing words and confusing sentences were impressive.

  • Most armies (including ours) use snipers in small teams to augment larger units. My guess is it would be very much worth trying the opposite concept- have a battalion size unit of snipers to say, a brigade. Of course it wouldn't be every brigade- just enough to task organize in operations (if the idea worked at all). They could be cross attached to other units for ops, but would return to train in an environment where their time would be properly utilized. In large urban battles fighting as a battalion they would mutually support each other in elements down to team level and overwhelm the enemy and provide very thorough surveillance. Basically, the infantry and armor would support the sniper battalion- the enemy would literally not know where to move without dying and couldn't make a move without it being observed. This also might keep fewer civilians from getting hurt and their stuff broken as well.

  • Sometimes I think too much on those long, quiet night shifts.

  • Breakfast this morning was a chorizo, egg, potato and cheese burrito with cilantro and pico.

  • Wish you were there- it was tumultuous.

  • Gary Wright Love Is Alive on Midinght Special.


an Donalbane said...

Re: Gary Wright - More cowbell! Now we're talking about my era, man! Not sure why I don't remember seeing that on TMS. When the vid first started and I saw him with that portable keyboard I thought maybe it was gonna be Weird Al...

Back when that song was new, we used to amuse ourselves by singing it in thick Hungarian accents, imitating the priests who taught at our school. There was just something funny about the thought of a monastery guy singing that song.

Well, maybe you had to be there.

It was the '70s...

Opus #6 said...

Somehow those commandos do look tough

el chupacabra said...

Dahn- Same here on TMS memory. I'll have to take your word on your priestly memories (although sounds cool).

Lady O- As Zac said the other day about something,"I know- right?" ; )