Thursday, July 3, 2014

Warfighter Pro Tip Operations In Urban Terrain

  • It's awful. It's brutal and when done for real, lots of the good guys will die. Here's some generalities that will always apply to specific ops and situations.

  • You have to move for the most part like your hair is on fire and never drop your guard and act tired. Assume when you do stop to rest the enemy is maneuvering against you. When your tired and your wee wee hurts and you feel like you'd nearly just as soon die as kick in another door etc.- you will die.

  • Keep your head on a swivel. Your battle is up, in the windows to your left and right, down in the sewer- all around you.

  • To be calm, act calm- take a deep breath now and then and find your rhythm.

  • Never walk across a street (run) and when moving stay at least a foot away from walls. If you have to walk a couple of extra paces to stay in the shade or other concealment do it. When crossing an intersection don't go on a diagonal- go straight across to the next corner then go to the corner you're wanting to be at. The enemy has been observing the terrain and knows it intimately, any visible movement will get his attention. Any extra time you spend allowing him to visualize you will result in unnecessary perforation.

  • Never turn your back on a downed enemy until your sure he's dead- slug him at least 3 times. Bullets are cheap. They're also relatively light and running out of them is sucky and considered poor form in civilized combat- carry twice the combat load.

  • Be proficient with enemy weapons. If at all possible without excess risk destroy any weapons left laying around- put a short burst of machingun fire or a couple of carbine rounds through the receiver if they're out in the open. Pay attention to where caches are being found- there may may be a pattern to where they are located.

  • When entering a building go from as high as possible then downward- blow a hole in the roof if you can and sometimes better yet- blow a hole in the wall of an adjacent building. This will allow the breach to be flooded a little easier by friendly troops. If at all possible- avoid doors.

  • Stairwells= deathwells.

  • You can make a Javelin missile come down on the exact room you want it to by shooting the outside wall with M4 rounds, then locking on and firing using top detonate setting. The missile will track to the heat of where your bullets impacted by sensing the leftover heat (crazy huh?). The building will come down on the bad guy instead of a side detonation which might blow right past leaving him with his bell rung, but alive.

  • Bullets are cheap, Javelins are expensive- US lives are precious.

  • You will need extra of everything, but I'd sacrifice my back and knees a little to carry extra water, ammo and batteries. Carry night vison devices regardless of time of day.

  • Trust no one- you don't have to go out of your way to make remaining civilians lives more miserable, but you don't have time to relieve any misery either. Ask yourself- why did this person stay behind? Why are they really trying to interact with me? What are they up to?

  • Vehicles are a valuable asset, but the crews and sensitive items of same can become a liability. Support them like they support you- they are very tempting targets and the enemy will risk all to destroy them. Bear this in mind and watch for enemy fire teams to deploy against vehicles flanks and rears.

  • Carry three quality flashlights any and everywhere you go. Two should be high powered cornea shredders and one a small, long lasting one you can hold in your teeth. Also, carry a high quality head lamp. I'm telling you- remember these points and one day you'll see the wisdom and tell your sons the same.

  • Really- I mean some day when it matters the most one will fail and you'll need two for something at the same time. It's then you'll stop and say, Whoa, that crazy old guy on that blog might have known what he was talking about...

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