Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thursday's Thoughts

Clark Gardens
  • Spangler Candy make Dum Dums pops and offer individual flavors by the pound. A pound of cotton candy flavored Dum Dums might be too much awesome.
  • The Columbia Bor Bora boonie and Sunday Afternoon Sun Tripper hat are working out great.
  • Unsolicited relationship advice: If you're seeing a person and find out they have a ghost phone leave them with extreme prejudice. They are up to no good. To be more correct- even if they're being good then- they want to be up to no good whenever they want.
  • The extra hours at work keep coming. I may die of tired.
    Yep, that is a mobility scooter parked in a car parking spot at a smoke shop. Why do you ask? Credit goes to my nursing buddy.
  • The US Post Office is a literal joke.
  • It may be trite and simplistic but there is some truth to the old saw: After seeing what the government has done with the Post Office, IRS etc. you want them involved in your healthcare?!
  • My contact in the college broadcasting underworld has asked for my input on her upcoming interview with members of Fitz And The Tantrums.
    From a local church- very smart marketing.

    Found in the dumpster a few months ago. I don't know how many times I've used a nail, fastener or tool from it since- score!

    Laundry detergent pods. what will they think of next?

    Holding down my nightstand

    FG's big clock is big
  • The snack food Combos is on the menu today for the first time in years and man they're good.  They stink so badly though it is odd I never noticed the smell before.
  • In a meeting yesterday (06/03/2014) a person who has had to step up to a management role referred to herself as a, pitch hitter
  • I hope my children remember steak night and brag about how good my steaks were and think of those times as a fond memory.
  • Some day memories are all we'll have and in a blink of an eye after that, a memory is all we'll be.
  • The other day FG kissed her dumb cat and then asked me, Do you ever kiss my cat while I'm away? If not you're missing some good loving. You should kiss my cat. I didn't even know where to start.
    Warning buoys at Mineral Wells State Park lake are 200 or more feet from water.

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