Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fridays Dispatch- The Early Edition

  • My feet are cold- cannot stand that, I'm wearing fuzzy house shoes. I never wear house shoes- fuzzy or otherwise. They were given to my son for Christmas and he outgrew them before he wore them I think.
  • He wears size 14 shoes and is not nearly through growing.
  • I'm listening to a live recording of Cheap Tricks I Want You To Want Me and singing along. Things can't be all that bad and even if/when they are- try it, I promise it will make it all a little better.
  • I've said it before, I'll say it again,"We may have gotten a lot of things wrong in the 80s and early 90s- the music was not one of them."
  • Surrender is starting- even better (nearly).
  • In my neighborhood it's nothing for my neighbors to check their mail or get something out of their cars in PJs, robes or nightgowns etc.
  • Nearly everyone has a 4 wheeler, go kart or golf cart etc. And it seems a relatively large number ride bicycles and walk as families. The long-ish road, friendly neighbors, isolated feel, one acre lots and the pond at the end of the lane has something to do with that I think.
  • One of my neighbors used to have parties and they would drag shotguns out and shoot clay birds in their front yard.
  • My next door neighbor busts rounds off into his firewood stack occasionally.
  • Actually nice that people can exercise their rights and freedoms that openly but, it wasn't very good for me when I first returned from Iraq.
  • No, not good.
  • The people across the streets dog would come to my house when she smelled breakfast cooking, nose the door open and come in and sit down and wait for her share.
  • What are neighbors for I guess?
  • No, not a trailer park- average house value would be about 200,000 dollars.
  • Before the bubble burst.
  • I can be in a sound, exhausted sleep and if the baby wakes up and says,"Daddy" I'm awake and alert and going to him.
  • Yes, that's usually the first thing he says when he awakens- humbling, satisfying, terrifying, fulfilling...


MarmiteToasty said...

Ok, where the devil did the first list go? am I going insane? gawds sake.. did I just imagine them?


el chupacabra said...

What list dear? I accidentally published a post this morning instead of saving it- don't remember the content but, wanted it saved for later. Maybe that was it? It was only up a minute or two though.

YM said...

I'm wondering if you live near where I lived cuz it kinda sounds like my old neighborhood. I promise I'm not a stalker...did you live off of 730?

el chupacabra said...

My queen- No I don't live off 730, and no sweat- everyone needs a good stalker now and then! ;) I live nearly on the exact opposite end of town from where 730 comes in.

el chupacabra said...

O and PS- it just struck me: I know the neighborhood you are talking about- very nice.

YM said...

I lived off Gayle Drive (off 730.)It was nice, sort of out in the country but not too. It's a far cry from where I live now. I miss it.
The 'my queen' always gives me a giggle.

MarmiteToasty said...

Ok, well at least I know I aint going bonkers then.... it was there and then it wasnt...

I love going barefooted but I do hate cold feet... so I have lots of soft fluffy socks for indoors, but I have to buy fluffy girlie socks so that me lads dont nick them.....

Wow your lad has big feet, 2 of me lads are size 13.... I tell them they should work in a circus for extra money...

Your neighbourhoods sounds wonderful on one hand and scary with the guns etc on the other hand..

Your neighbours dog sounds like our chicken Janet LOL she has actually spent the best part of the day sitting under me church table and pew in me kitchen, only venturing out when anyone opened the fridge LOL

Good daddy..... lucky son...


The Accomplice said...

I have gotten my mail in my PJ's. Your neighborhood sounds fantastic.

el chupacabra said...

my queen! my queen! my queen!- Good, Im glad

marmi- you are bonkers but, thats ok

Acco- I know, its cool to have a neighborhood like that isn't it?- just part of what it ought to be. And thanks.

LandShark 5150 said...

With all the creature comforts of the neighborhood, the quaint evening family walks, the friendly waves of good people, nothing in life is as heart warming as the word "daddy."

LandShark 5150 said...

Chupa--With your way with words, I wish to give you this -- -- I know you can give this story life.

el chupacabra said...

Sharkie- tried to look the story up- my machine kept freezing up (a sign?) look forward to checking it out later. And anyway, look whose talking about a "way with words"?

And you could not be more right about that little 5 letter word.

el chupacabra said...

Shark- I figured out what you were talking about. You definitely know how to put the pressure on a fella but, for several reasons this subject is an important and emotional one for me so even though I missed the news of Nance's death yeah, you can bet I will try to put something down about that story.

Anonymous said...

May I suggest that you record the baby's voice and make it one of your ring tones. : ). *

el chupacabra said...

Ano @ 921- wow, never thought of that one- confidence is high I'll do it though. Maybe get him to say, "Ring-Ring" and/or laughing! Thanks

PinkAcorn said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog...hey, I have a nephew that wears size 17 shoes...I bought him oars for Christmas...

Anonymous said...

Good luck with that. I hope you get the results that you would like. Lots of confidence! Have a good evening.

MarmiteToasty said...

LOL@PinkAcorn :)


Anonymous said...

You cannot kill someones feelings with silence.

RPM said...

Wow, what a great thing to wake up to. The sound of your child's voice. You are a lucky man.

el chupacabra said...

Pinky- simply cannot comprehend size 17!? But I guess thats where were headed.

Marmi- Hi dear

R- you got that right and thanks