Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wednesdays Digressions

  • Although I might not become a fan I watched Chicago Hope the hospital drama of the nineties for the first time in my life last night- it was very good.

  • I think it's a bit odd maybe how people who have or will likely never have no personal stake in the capital punishment debate get really worked up insisting they are for it and I'm afraid I've never heard a well developed argument for the willy nilly use we see of it today.

  • I'm against it except could be convinced of its necessity for the death of a police officer and treason.

  • The death of the police officer in Bridgeport has brought out the best in people all over the state and country even.

  • Don't get too excited when someone says something tacky in a comments section about his death or service- that's what they are looking for and I doubt many of them really mean what they say anyway.

  • I worked 12 straight 12 hour days on a single case recently before she expired. "Tough old bird" as a member of her family said, She'll be the end of us all." I said to 2 family members committed to being by her side to the end.

  • We lived on coffee, sweet tea, DR Pepper and fast food. She just slogged along without a bite to eat or hardly a drop to drink.

  • Tough old bird.

  • A fair gauge as a nurse of your patient care is how well the families want to take care care of you.

  • I always misspell gauge.

  • Another thought on the officer who was murdered in BP: in the past I knew both a guy named Steve York and Randy White so it really was a heart stopper when I first read the news. One is dead though and the other would be way too old to have been SGT. White.


MarmiteToasty said...

Dammit, I cant stay awake.... and I want to..... Ive been sitting here reading your blob for almost 2 hours... Im smitten by it..

but its not a little gone 2.30am and I can no longer keep me eyes open....

nite and fanks, you have the most amazing blob here..


Anonymous said...

Film noir is a good thing.

Agree with the comment regarding angst exhibited by debaters of cap punishment - but I come at it from the opposite perspective: I support CP, because there are some crimes so heinous that no other punishment can sufficiently express society's outrage.

CP may be a deterrent, and at times, not so much.

But, I do find very distasteful the bloodlust of some CP supporters, because in carrying out such sentences, there are no 'do-overs', so we'd better be darn sure.

I have a pragmatist friend who posits that CP is an enormous economic drain on the justice system due to the resources required to prosecute a cap case. I agree, and respond that that is why it should be reserved for only the most outrgageous crimes.

So, while I'm for the judicious use of CP by the justice system, I have to note that I wouldn't have any hesitation to deploy deadly force to protect myself or a family member from imminent danger.

But I hope I don't have to.

el chupacabra said...

M Tosty thanks for the effort!

922 - thinking about what u said

Kathleen... said...

I used to be for capital punishment UNTIL someone pointed out a "double-standard" to my pro-life stance. It made sense...

I still think "an eye for an eye" self defense is legit.; as in, you touch my daughter and I'll shoot you. lol The above argument had an impact on my thinking though...

el chupacabra said...

Ano- you are right on BOTH your points as far as I'm concerned. On a loosely associated point I don't tend to argue the subject but, people are surprised to find even tho I'm opposed to the death penalty I have and would use a Beretta .40 cal. Very interesting how some of these stances get wrapped up.
But, as a society, "An eye for an eye"? bad mojo.