Thursday, April 9, 2009

Creature Cavalcade

As promised pics of the snake captured on my latest wildlife expedition. We weren't really quite sure: was it a corn snake or a copperhead? As both the assistant baby and I are alive after several bites I'll go out on a limb and say confidence is high it's a corn snake. Note the carefully cultivated habitat including the broken riding toy my neighbor gave my daughter (thanks bud at least it could have matched the one I have up on blocks in my drive.) Please do not try this at home- except for the degree, training, government and professional recognition and general common sense, I'm basically a professional wildlife scientist. disclaimer: no animals were harmed in the making of this picture (unless you count me- why is my hand still numb?) and in fact ms snake here was saved from the ravages of the mower and released into proper habitat.


MarmiteToasty said...

Gulp....... I dont do snakes to well, and we dont even have deadly ones here lmfao..... and whilst walking in the woods when in Maine a couple of summers back, I kept saying to meself over and over again.... 'there are no snakes or bears no snakes or bears no snake or bears' lol I was like some demented loon :)...

shut it, dont say a word lmao

You nipper is gorgeous...


el chupacabra said...

Marmsie- Thanks. Hate to see animal lovers fearful of snakes but, I know that's a hard one to overcome. They are closer to being "mans best friend" than a dog ever dreamed of but, yes they carry a lot of baggage in the human brain.

4 Life said...

Yikes - Snakes! It's amazing how beautiful and intricate their coloring can be...but still, I'll high-tail it every time I see one.

You are brave! darn curious it overcomes your fears. ;)

el chupacabra said...

Playwright- thanks for the comment/compliment also pretty good anylsis of what might make me tick!

Denney Crane said...

Not quite a copperhead, but almost...

Kathleen... said...

Ok, I'll bet you got in BIG TROUBLE with Ma Chuppy for letting Baby get snake-bit!

I hate snakes. Hope you tossed it onto that smoker with some lighter fluid.

el chupacabra said...

Nah, she thought it was hilarious! Actually, haven't told her yet, hope these pics don't end up in some public forum where they can get back to her...