Saturday, May 2, 2009

Number 5 In Top 5 Worst

governmental responses to swine flu issue according to Discover Magazine.

5. Banning Cheek KissingAs of this week, no swine flu cases have been reported in Lebanon. But that didn't stop the country's Health Minister, Mohammad Khalifeh, from announcing on Tuesday, April 28, that all Lebanese people should eschew the national custom of kissing on the cheek as a greeting. "If you visit someone, don't exchange kisses... Let's stop the social kissing habit," Khalifeh said in a press conference. Sure, it's a move on the right track—the virus, which lives in liquid particles like saliva, can be spread by any person-to-person contact, including kissing. But in the bigger picture, putting the kibosh on cheek smooching won’t do a thing when you’re on a bus or train full of coughing, sneezing masses of infection. discovermagazine


MarmiteToasty said...

Is it just cheek kissing? phew, so proper snogging is ok then?


el chupacabra said...

Marmi- For the sake of all that is good in this world- let's hope!

Anonymous said...

A girl I dated in high school later told me she was Lebanese.

Should I have not kissed her?

MarmiteToasty said...

Well if snogging is still ok, everything is good, right and perfect in the world ;)..

*whispering - like I can remember what snogging is like...ok ok, I can remember but its been a while HA*)
