Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs

"ELKHART, Ind. - In a town with one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation, being on strike is not going to get you much sympathy. And staying on strike for three years is going to earn you even less.
“People don’t respect us. They look at us like, ‘You are stupid because you’re on strike when you could have a good job,’” said David Kish, 62, who spent 40 years making trumpets, trombones and other musical instruments at Elkhart’s Vincent Bach plant before he and 230 fellow union members walked off their jobs April 1, 2006. About 130 workers remain on strike. "

That statement deserves an encore performance: “People don’t respect us. They look at us like, ‘You are stupid because you’re on strike when you could have a good job,’” said David Kish, 62"

You said it brother- not me.

Two thoughts come to mind. We are our own worst enemy and I weep for the species.


Denney Crane said...

Very well said!

MarmiteToasty said...

Unbelieveable......sometimes I wonder how these peoples minds work, but it does make me realise that I am actually sane lol no matter what me maties say..

*handing you a tissue to wipe ya tears*


el chupacabra said...

Denney- thanks

Marmi- hadnt thought of it that way. you complete me

MarmiteToasty said...

