Monday, May 4, 2009

Mondays Missives

  • "He spent his 21st birthday behind bars at San Quentin State Prison, where he served nearly three years for burglary. In 1959, prisoner 45200 watched Johnny Cash perform there." msnbc
  • The "He" in that first sentence refers to Merle Haggard who in November 2008 had a lobe removed from one of his lungs due to cancer.
  • The coyotes that come up behind the house use a tree that's silhouetted on the skyline to navigate I'm pretty sure since I always hear them directly on line with it as they move in regardless of how far away they are.
  • I went out once with a flashlight to try and get a look at them but, my stupid flashlight wasn't charged so it was very dim, as I pointed it downward to smack the back of it in the hope the connectors were dirty I noticed tiny glowing dots everwhere. They were wolf spiders most of them babies invisible basically until the light struck their eyes. The interesting thing about that is I never could replicate those conditions whether the batteries were fully charged or failing on other occasions- the spectrum was just right when the batteries were almost dead that night.
  • Caught a mole in the backyard the other day whose tunnels went all through a fireant mound. My baby son loved playing with it before I released it near the compost pile to go on with his little mole life.
  • Teach kids to love animals and reading- neither of you will regret either.
  • Wanting a reader like an Amazon Kindle.
  • I have read fewer than 10 non fiction books in my life.
  • Reading Clear and Present Danger currently, holy smokes it's good.
  • My house that burned down had over 2000 books in it some dating back to mid 1800s. The fire chief looking at the smoldering ruins said,"Wow, you had a lot of books."
  • I need to quit reminding myself of that chapter in my life.
  • A book reference- get it?
  • I kill myself sometimes.
  • The above creature I guess is the German equivalent of the jackalope.
  • It really bothers me how Arlen Specters switch to the Democratic party is misused and misunderstood. He was going to lose in his primary to a challenger he barely beat in the last election. The challenger is too conservative for their state so he would probably lose the election making Specters seat Democratic anyway. However, you simply cannot turn on the TV, read the news or comments on blogs without people pointing to this story to demonstrate how hopeless the Republican position is, "The GOP is so bankrupt Arlen Specter left after 30 years as a Republican!" "Blah blah blah" And they applaud him for "Following his conscience" etc. I looked up. "what Specters switch means to the Republican party" and got over one million hits.
  • Good grief
  • He knew he was about to be sent home his career over if he stayed Republican so he went to Obama's staff and said,"If I switch to the Democratic party, will the President campaign for me?"
  • I admire the mans political ability. This situation however, says nothing about his morality or the condition of the GOP. Compulsion not conscience drove his move to the Democratic party.


MarmiteToasty said...

We watched a documentary on that Johnny Cash, it was fasinating, what a life..

No idea who Merle is, so had a google... I have never heard the name 'merle' before, it must be a doodle name..

Coyotes put the willies up me, but then Ive only seen them in cowboy films where they steal young children and dogs.. I think I would be scared living in Texas... I did goggle where you live and was very surprised that Texas is not all desert and cactus and snakes... I never realised it was sorta proper LOL...

Im not to good with spiders in foreign countries.. we dont have deadly ones here.. but I would of been awestruck with seeing them all lit up with your torch (we dont say flashlight lol)... and some photos will never be captured again, just like the eyes inside our turkey carcas as crimbo..

Im glad you didnt kill the mole, they are so cute... do they really make wax hunting coats with moleskin collars out of real moles?

Wow to your book collection but cripes to only ever read less then 10 fiction books.... a teacher said to me when I was a child in a very bad childhood... Mel if you can read and read well, you can be anywhere your heart and soul desires.. and you will never be alone... that teacher was a good teacher.. and he was right..

Bloody hell about your house burning down? I will not ask if it makes you sad... I bet your fabulous collection of books helped fuel the flames... my Xs grandmother and grandfather retired to Scotland and lived in a little croft house, the workmen doing the place up caught it alight by accident and nannie Doris and Granpa Len had to stand in their front garden and watch 75 years of memories and photos and treasure all go up in smoke... it was the end of them...

Glad you've 'turned the page' of that part of your life (get me reference lol sometimes I crease meself up lol)..

googling cantalope lol..

After years of being a union ref, polly tricks not does me head in...

*Waffle mode off*

Happy Monday..


el chupacabra said...

Marmi- the jackalope is a mythical American beast concocted by taxidermists in the early 1900s. They took a jackrabbit upper bodymounted with deer antlers on top. They are still sold as novelties here.
The wolf spider is a very helpful little beasty. My sons preschool class was paralyzed by one withh teacher demanding they stay back saying "I think thats a brown recluse!" May son said,"Pfft, that's a wolf spider!" rounded him up on a piece of paper and took him outside to go on with his spiderly life.
I've wondered about the moleskin coat too- is that a joke? I read somewhere it takes 600 hundred of them to make one.
Should listen to Merle- he'll set you free!!

el chupacabra said...

PS Texas is the 5th most wooded state in Doodleland and timber is a very important economic commodity. East and southeast Texas particularly magnificent woodlands with legendary bigfoot monsters- one particularly scarey beasty named Boggy Creek Monster.

Miss_proper said...

I have a kindle and I LOVE IT! One of the BEST splurges I ever did for myself.