Sunday, May 3, 2009

Number 4 In The Top 5 Worst

governmental responses to the swine flu issue according to Discover Magazine.

4. Shutting Mexican Citizens OutThe outbreak began in Mexico City, and Mexico remains the only country that has seen a significant number of deaths. So, by a certain thread of reasoning, simply locking out anyone from Mexico should keep the virus out. But in reality, it doesn't quite work that way: The virus has already spread enough that border restrictions will do little good, say experts, and the World Health Organization's Emergency Committee announced earlier this week that it did not recommend closing borders or restricting travel, which would deliver a monster blow to an already floundering global economy.

Nevertheless, Cuba rushed to suspend all flights to and from Mexico for at least 48 hours. Argentina soon followed with its own ban on direct flights from the epidemic's epicenter, and ordered 60,000 visitors who had recently arrived from Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. to contact the Health Ministry. Japan, which to date has no reported cases of swine flu, has ceased issuing visas to Mexican nationals, and France is encouraging the entire E.U. to ban flights to Mexico.discovermagazine

1 comment:

MarmiteToasty said...

At our village council meeting last night we voted to close the 3 roads into our village and erect roadblock with manned stations to stop anyone entering our village, that way we will be safe and sound and the rest of the world can get on with it...... once you leave this village, dont expect to get back in :)

And no one is to eat mexican food..

Im highly alergic to pork and all pork related products, so Im safe :) lol
