Facebook Fail O Rama
- My last cars front bumper cover was pierced by a pickups slant cut exhaust tip when it backed into the car in a Wal Mart parking lot.
- Yes, in a random act of parking lot violence my car was stabbed by another.
- Proof we've lost it and are on the downhill slide- Sarah Jessica Parker is not only widely regarded as beautiful she is seen as an authority on beauty tips. I don't want to sound mean- at all, but we're so conditioned to believing what we're meant to believe we can't see straight up ugly when it's in living color in front of our eyes?
- My son volunteered at a church he does not attend to help with VBS when he found out there wasn't enough help.
- He's awesome that way.
- When I was a kid we went to every VBS we could in the summer it didn't matter where- a church bus or church lady would show up and away we went.
- I stabbed another boy in the arm with a pencil at one and my mom took my money I'd been saving for a certain toy truck to give his mom for the doctor bill. I honestly don't remember anything about the incident, but I remember that truck- it was a yellow and red logging truck that had real wooden dowels in the trailer for logs.