Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Is Here- Ready Or Not

  • Moamar Khadaffi simply had to be ready in some way to die, what with him being a despotic, international pariah who had lost control of his country. My guess is he'd come to terms with the idea of a Hellfire or Brimstone missile incinerating him or a 500 lb laser guided bomb disintegrating him- not being slapped around, pistol whipped, having a stick crammed up his backside and then being shot in the head and chest by a mob.

  • When a bad US politician dies I hate to say it, but if I feel anything, I feel relieved.

  • A couple of days ago samples were played of music of all different types from all different eras on the radio. It seemed to go on for 5 minutes or more. I didn't know what it was all about until they mentioned it was samples of music from musicians who died this year.

  • It shouldn't be as surprising as some thought that Amy Winehouse died of alcohol poisoning as opposed to a heroin overdose. She had quit the heroin and needed something to dull the pain- and fill the holes. Alcohol is more socially acceptable and since a little probably helped fill some of the holes...

  • I can't say that I've made any new friends this year although I guess there are quite a few friendly acquaintances.

  • Christopher Hitchens died this year and I have no idea who he was, but it's kind of a big thing he's gone.

  • We dropped Iraq like a bad habit and expanded ops in Afghanistan this year- we are weird.

  • Although, yes I know- Iraq leadership wanted us gone- ready or not.

  • I love my job and feel lucky to have gotten it.

  • I've never made a new years resolution although I might make a few this year. They almost always always fail though don't they?

  • David Arquette has achieved a year of sobriety. I was really worried about him.

  • When a year ends we always think of the deaths and disaster incurred in the previous year. I don't know why we let tragedy and loss define us like that, but with a couple of different searches I couldn't find a compiliation of good news from 2011 to put up.

  • I hope you have a great year.

  • Chris Thomas King Hard Time Killing Floor Blues


RPM said...

Happy New Year, Chup

Kathleen... said...

Happy 2012 to you, Chup'y!