Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Eldest Spawn

When he was a baby I never thought I'd ever see my oldest son on a bike with a cell phone.

When I was a kid out on my bike I saw one of our towns rich guys on a mobile phone in his car at his wifes business while I was out on my bike. Being the goofball I was, I went up and talked to him. He was more than happy to tell us how it worked and showed us the phone part which was a traditional old phone looking white receiver with a spiral cord going down to a box mounted on the floorboard. In the trunk was a unit that was big as a microwave. I think this would have actually been a radio-telephone. I thought he was almost like a movie star.

My son stopped there while I was walking the baby and talked for a minute then some girl called and he rode out of my life for the afternoon.

Soon enough the same will happen and he'll ride out of my life basically forever.

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