Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday's Thoughts

I forget this pups name but he is cool. Guess where this pic was taken  and I'll give ya a dollar.

  • An old, odd flashback just came to mind by a random, circuitous route. In another life life I owned a little land. One day while driving into my palatial estate I glanced over and saw a man, his wife and 3 kids calmly cooking hot dogs over an open fire- in basically the dead center of my land. Now, call me narrow minded but it just struck me as odd having 5 people I have never seen before cooking over a roaring fire on the land I had intentionally purchased in the middle of nowhere to not be bothered- by people I knew and loved. On approaching them the wife was terrified- I think she was used to him doing idiotic things and knew that he knew they had strayed off the neighboring land where they did have permission. It got sorted out- he was a cool guy ( I think he knew he could smooth a situation over beforehand though, which kind of got on my nerves) and they actually came back a time or two and picnicked under my live oak park area.
    Solar powered  fan caps. Lots of commentary and lessons available there for the philosophically bent- the observer of the human condition if you will but I'll stay quiet.
  • When I call somebody back to my office and they don't want to give up that oh, so important phone call they seem lost in, it is most often fine by me. I just open another application and chart on another patient or work on my stats or send FG an Email or send my nursing buddy a note, "Hey, this guy won't get off the phone. I'm charting on other patients and doing my day-sheets. Lets see how long I can keep this up!" Eventually, they will say on the phone, Wait a minute let me see whats going on. Then they say to me, Are we ever gonna get started? Which will earn my slightly passive/aggressive/passive reply of, I have been waiting on you. We can start whenever you are ready. I believe my official record stands at 29 minutes but one untimed engagement may have been longer.
  • Cops will always be the best or worst neighbors you could ever have.
  • I often forget how old I am and the last time I was asked gave my age as a year older than I am.
  • If I am feeling tired and beat down in the morning I have a pair of underwear I can reach for that always perk me right up. 
  • Yeah,  I get it-  when I want to feel pretty, I have some fancy red panties I can pull on.
  • Earlier I watched a clip that used the theme from Love Boat. It is going to be a long next 24 hours.
    Imperial Japan's war flag- maybe the coolest flag in the history of ever.

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