Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday's Digressions

Natural Bridge Cavern

Johnson City's eternal building scalers.

He quit while he was a-head. Ha! I slay myself sometimes

The rare and elusive  black squirrel- El rodento de negro as our south of the border friends might say.

I like this tree- it is soooo lazy it can't just stand around like most trees. It  decided one day it might be better to lie down- so it did.

What is this?  It fell off a tree.

You're flower, you are. Just a pretty little desert flower. DF H.I. McDonnough

Interesting ladder at LBJs family place. The rungs are lashed with rawhide.

  • Mr R at The South 40 reminded me of a couple of things recently. When I was a kid I nearly hated Hee Haw. My parents like it, but it interfered with The Dukes Of Hazzard or whatever it was I liked. Then when I went to Germany for the Army all of us Southern boys watched it together on AFN and I loved it because it reminded me of home.
  • He also mentioned the sale of alcohol coming to Alvord (Alvoid if you prefer). I did not know anything about Decatur going wet until I saw garbage from alcohol packaging everywhere on the streets. Honestly, I did not know anything about a vote on it- a debate or whatever, but that trash everywhere was impossible to not notice. I thought they must have lost some federal street cleaning funding or whatever and I just happened to notice it was beer packaging, but no- the only difference was it had gone wet.
  • Another thing I've noticed is the quality of restaurants food, chains generally excluded will almost always go downhill once they get their liquor license.
  • I seems every day at work more is asked of me and I'm literally given less to do it with.
  • We watched a survival show the other night featuring a husband and wife duo. During the part of the episode I watched they supposedly spent 24 hours in a desert. A 24 hour period at the end of which both of them looked as fresh as daisies. His hair literally and obviously was freshly blow dried. Neither one of them had a single visible sign of dehydration. All of this is impossible of course when you're using a rock for a pillow and drinking cactus juice and your own pee. Even with decent nutrition and efforts being made to hydrate guys in the desert will lose at least a few pounds in a day with activity. This will always show in the face first.
  • The crayfish I handled in MWSP this past weekend (06/01/2013) had a soft carapace. I assume it had just molted

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your 'what is it?'is a plant parasite-just like mistletoe or a bromeliad. They sell these `suckers' lots of places, as they can live off a rock or stick! You're weathy!