Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday's Missives

  • Two of the people close to me are the worst in my life about asking for my advice on issues and then ignoring what I say- or worse yet arguing with me about it. I don't mean in matters of pure opinion where they can (or even should) challenge me, I mean they ask me about things in context of my nursing background:  I just cut my hand off with a table saw, what do I do Kevin?  Wrap a tourniquet 2 to 4 inches above the stump. Put the dismembered hand in an ice chest out of direct contact with the ice and then either call 911 or have someone take you to the hospital. Well, if I do that then..."
  • Aye carumba!
  • I am very proud to be a nurse.
  • A thing that initially hurts most people I think after a marriage ends is not being a consideration in important events and decisions in the other persons life, but if you'll let it, these same realizations will help you get better after you face them.
  • There are at least 5 toys in my house within view of me that were mine during my boyhood.
  • When I say, Whateva! you'll know I've been Listening to Liam Lynch's United States Of Whatever."
  • Is there anything worse than pet names in a relationship when you're not there yet in your mind or anything sweeter in this world when you are ready for it?
  • Sioux City Birch Beer- what I'm drinking. Sliced brisket, sausage, marinated tomatoes and green beans from Bakers Ribs- what it is washing down.
  • Was it Mike that asked about KCMO's BBQ? I had a sliced sammie at Gates. It was terrible. Their thing there besides saying, Hi, how may I help you? over and over (I think that is right) is no black pepper that I could find anywhere. I didn't even ask, assuming it was one of those their thing kind of a deal that they were going to beat me down with. I had a full on meal at Hickory Pit. It was tumultuous. A cool thing about up there is you can order, "Burnt Ends". Which is exactly what it sounds like- all caramelized end pieces. You can even buy it chopped.
  • For some reason I can't do a caption on the video below. I am demonstrating how to shave the magnesium block to a fire starter- rake the block across a sharp blade, not the other was around as would seem intuitive to most people I think.  Always make more shavings than you would ever think you could need. Use a bottle lid to gather and concentrate it and have a paper under it to catch what doesn't land in the cap. You can then place paper and all at the base of your fire and strike away.

    Hog nosed adder doing his best cobra impersonation.

    Put me down you stupid human or so help me... I'll poop on you!  (Yes he did in case you are wondering)

    Entrance created probably by a woodpecker to a cavity type nest. I thought it interesting how this piece fell off intact.

    Goose nest in old BBQ pit

    Old duck that lives at MWSP. He seems to be imprinted hard on humans and enjoy their company. He is very talkative and will give his position away when he is in a hide and you never would have otherwise seen him until he charts chattering at you.

    Goose nest

    Big Agnes

    Whitetail deer being delicious looking


Anonymous said...

Interesting on the no black pepper thing. Reminds me of an episode of "Maron" where a coffee shop won't sell him iced espresso because it would compromise the integrity of the bean.

RPM said...

Don't know why that posted as Anon...