Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Two Principles Regarding Politicians

1) No matter what they are telling you, they aren't telling the whole truth.

2)No matter what they are talking about, they are talking about money.


Kathleen... said...

Oh, dearest Chupy, you are more than right about this one. [sigh]

Most politicians specialize in telling their constituents what they think they want to hear....in order to get the support, and backing, for what they -- the politician -- want themselves.

Keep your eyes & ears open for the oddball politician who isn't popular -- chances are they're actually a true servant, who may have paid attention to their oath of office. =)

el chupacabra said...

Kathleen- thanks.

Home on the Range said...

Many politicians will tell you they don't lie, they simply take two half truths placed in artful proximity to one another and let the brain fill in the blanks so it seems like the truth. Movies work that way, with the brain making continuity out of two distinctly separate visual units. Except in this one, they're both as fake as a hollywood set and only appearing to be real with the right lighting and music.