Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday's Missives

That's me in the middle.

  • President Obama proves every adage about trying to please everybody. Also, I cannot think of a single more polarizing personality in any field.

  • Wonder what spellcheck does to a persons ability to learn to spell?

  • Pandas represent everything wrong with the way humans think. Pandas are evolutionarily retarded. They will become extinct no matter how many nights we lie awake and wish they won't and no matter how many millions of dollars are wasted each year on them. And all this is because we perceive them as being cute. If they were ugly and venomous no one would care and we wouldn't raise a finger to help them- even if they had a fighting chance (which they don't).

  • Found a show starring Bruce Campbell that I cannot believe I'd never heard of, Jack Of All Trades. No surprise- I love it. Also no surprise considering the last sentence- it was cancelled in the middle of it's second season.

  • Hint of it's greatness: Vern Troyer played Napoleon Bonaparte.

  • Proof of how ignorant we are of history and the ridiculous things we all believe: Napoleon was of average height for the time he lived.

  • I'm leaning back in my chair as I write this halfway expecting mom to gripe at me about it or dad to finish the job for gravity and tip the back of the chair as he walks through the room giving me an object lesson as I crash to the floor.


Opus #6 said...

Obama has made things worse.

Kathleen... said...

That is such an odd, odd photo. Makes me think of Donnie Darko!

el chupacabra said...

Opus- hey dear. I'm more curious to know what the next election will bring than I've ever been in my life.

Kathleen- dig the new pic. You know- you're right and I didn't think of that.