Tuesday, February 23, 2010

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A Day For The Ages

"I'm really not one for encouraging politicians on any level but I really do hope being the first black president is just an after though in Barack Obama's carrier. Measured against the task of re-instituting the faith of his countrymen in the 'American dream' and stabilizing not only the US but the world's economy... good luck buddy! "
Posted by oskashou at 6:08 PM


RPM said...

I'll admit to having "hope for change". So far, I've failed to see any changes.

el chupacabra said...

R- I know man. This blog post came out and i set it to post right after he was elected so it's interesting to me to see after so much water under the bridge.

Opus #6 said...

American Dream? The dream where all have equal opportunity? Obama prefers the marxist dream of equal outcomes. Starting with income redistribution.


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