Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday Digressions

  • Politically liberally minded people are nearly losing their minds over Sarah Palin. We all should support whomever we want and do so with passion however; although it couldn't be proven either way, if she was their nominee and had similar background concerns they would be totally non-issues.
  • They can't get over her daughters pregnancy, so although Obamas parents were married at the time of his birth but, not conception he can be president but, because Palins daughter is unmarried and pregnant but, will be married at the time of birth Gov. Palin can't be vice president?
  • I don't care either way and would have never even considered any implications in either pregnancy but, I find the liberal dishonesty on the issue bothersome.
  • Governor Palin offered the head of her states DPS another executive position after documented failures in his DPS position. A firm has been hired to see if there was any wrongdoing on the governors part. This translates into headlines of " Inadequately vetted Republican VP nominee investigated for abuse of power..."
  • I weep for the species
  • I never thought I'd say anything like this but, with the media so thoroughly in the democrats back pockets and the lack of willingness of the average person to dig in and study what's really involved, it's a wonder a conservative is ever elected for anything at any level.
  • Since I've been home with the baby I haven't done this but, I used to go to the library once a week and read the NY Times, Wall Street Journal and all the news magazines. Even though of course a person today can do even better with the internet, I wonder how many people really try to inform themselves? Or do we mostly try to shore up what we already believe?

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