Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Just Face Palmed- Big

This is from the comments board on Chicago Daily Observer

Tiger Lover says-"I just looked at the voting list on and it shows that Obama and Biden both voted no on this. Is John Powers not checking the facts, or will the republicans do anything to hold on to the White House? And if you want women's rights set back 40 years and the polar bear vanishing go aheaad and vote for mccain/palin!"

The thrust of the article was that Obama/Biden had both voted for the Bridge to Nowhere as it's being called now. While they are the ones ridiculing Palin for being for the project. Yes, there was a time early on she reported being for the project (I think it would have been hard to be otherwise- she wanted jobs for the state ) and I've read as many as 1/3 of all jobs in Alaska are federally funded one way or another. In the end, she used the fed. funds for other projects.

As another poster there pointed out- "Tigerlover - if you check the language of Sen Coburn's amendment it would have transferred funds FROM the Ketchikan bridge(AK) to Katrina rebuilding(LA). A NO vote on this bill means fund the Bridge to Nowhere. Sen Biden and Sen Obama both voted NO on this amendment."

So essentially, they both denied extra funds going toward Katrina recovery and voted for The Bridge To Nowhere. So in other words they basically voted for the bridge twice, because they voted yes previously to fund the bridge then no to diverting that money to Katrina.

Confusing huh? Honestly, I see Obama as something of a dimwit and would not doubt for a minute he was confused and did not know for what he was voting or how.

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