Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday's Dispatch

Is there anything bacon can't do?

  • Something I like that you would never believe if you knew just a little about me: Hollywood Undead- Can You Hear Me Now?

  • See, I'm something of a mystery, inside of an enigma, wrapped in a riddle...

  • Leave it to me to make Churchill roll over in his grave.

  • Someone just called and said they heard a new Most interesting man in the world commercial that said,"His wallet is made of chupacabra leather." and it reminded her of me.

  • There's a few children at Zachary's day care that come up and hug me when they see me arrive or as I leave. Is that normal? Are they reacting to seeing Zac and I interact? I don't remember that with my older children.

  • The best though is the kids that call out, "Zac!" when he gets there and come up and hug him and drag him off to play.


an Donalbane said...

"See, I'm something of a mystery, inside of an enigma, wrapped in a riddle..."

Hmmm. Sounds like a TurDuckEn.

So I guess the only way to top that would be to weave yourself in bacon.

Opus #6 said...

Some kids, especially those who have absentee dads, tend to run up to random males and assume undo familiarity.

Kathleen... said...

I agree w/Opus. The same happens to me @ our local school. Can't stand to not give back the hug and attention that a random kid is giving me.....