Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday's Missives The Special Bin Laden Sleeps With The Fishes Edition

  • I haven't read or heard anything on Al Qeada's spin on OBL's death. He wasn't really a factor any longer in the organization other than a figurehead, but I'm surprised they didn't have anything ready to go. My guess is the death caught them off guard.

  • Wonder if there will ever be a book(s) about that mission?

  • I would love to see helmet cam footage and read a good tell-all of the operation.

  • I don't think the government should release pictures of his corpse. I don't have a well formulated reason for feeling this way other than we don't have to do it- so why take a chance on it backfiring? Regardless, people will believe what they want to believe especially any segment of the world population the US government might believe needs convincing by publishing salacious pictures of a headshot corpse.

  • The mission, four years in the making came as the result of a tip from a Guantanamo inmate.

  • "I am sorry, but if you believe the newest death of OBL, you're stupid. Just think to yourself--they paraded Saddam's dead sons around to prove they were dead--why do you suppose they hastily buried this version of OBL at sea? This lying, murderous Empire can only exist with your brainwashed consent--just put your flags away and THINK!"- Cindy Sheehan. That poor lady is mentally ill. I feel sorry for her- I really do.

  • OBL Is Dead Al Queada Isn't. The title of a Foreign Policy article and something we should probably remind ourselves often. However, we won't hear that a lot from official sources since they don't want to be a wet blanket and kill the political goodwill OBL's death has bought.

  • How did the choppers get in without Pakistani radar picking them up? Running North and South from Pak down into Afghanistan are valleys the helicopters would have flown in diminishing the effectiveness of radar. Special Ops rated pilots are unbelievably good- really there aren't enough adjectives to describe how scary good they are at all hours, low level, high speed flight. Also, there is no telling what kind of exotic jamming equipment and/or transponders to send fake signals they carried. The bulk of Pak radar assets would also be oriented toward India- where they would most likely face a real threat from the air to places and people they would actually want to protect.

  • A newscaster reported the mission as a "strategic operation" that is technically incorrect- it may have strategic implications, but it was a tactical operation.

  • I have talked to different guys who did ops with SEALs in Iraq, they said things like,"We hated working with those guys. We'd get in a firefight and they'd kill everybody around. It didn't matter who they were. We were like, Hey dude, cool it- you can't kill everybody. We've got to work in this neighborhood long after you guys are gone..."

  • I like the little GIF where President Obama says,"He's dead." then stomps off the stage and kicks a door open to leave.

  • In a perfect world that's exactly what he would have done.

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