Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Friday's Dispatch

    Aye carumba! I don't even know where to start.

  • A pretty song- Soul II Soul Back To Life. I had really forgotten how good a song it is.

  • Yesterday Zac watched a red eared slider turtle lay her eggs. It kind of messed with his mind a little. "Did she come out of that hole dug behind her? he asked. No baby, she dug the hole to put her eggs in- it's how she has babies. Where are her eggs then? he asked after looking around and not seeing any eggs. They're inside her body and she will push them out into the hole. You mean babies are going to come popping out- like poop? No, she'll push the eggs out and then like a chicken comes out of the egg, baby turtles will break out later. Chickens?!? No..."

  • I had two great posts written when Blogger crashed and lost them.

  • I always draw up a little when a male nurse has been specifically requested when I get a case offered. It could be as simple as an intake nurse asking if the patient or family has a preference or something deeper.

  • It's usually something deeper. It may be a bad area, a large patient, an imbalanced male who will attempt to manipulate a female nurse, a male patient with a crazy jealous wife or a possibly violent patient. Sometimes even my agency won't really know the reason.

  • Recently, a nurse who I did not know left a message wanting to talk about the patient I was assigned that night. OK, this could be as simple as he taking a special interest in the case and wanting to share information that will help in the patients care, requesting some TLC etc. or he may be wanting to give me some information that will keep my pretty face intact. I could tell the way he inhaled deeply when I called back it was the latter. "I wanted to let you know that the family called me yesterday and asked me to get there as soon as possible. I lost them on the phone so couldn't get details, but when I walked in he had an iron swinging it by the cord over his head trying to whack his wife, brother in law and a neighbor who came to help. He said they were devils who'd already robbed him and were trying to kill him" What could I say? "Sounds awesome!"

  • Have a great weekend.

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