Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Twitteral Quotes

"One of us is puking, one has diarrhea, one has tension headaches and one has a sore throat and congestion. Playdate, anyone?

Parasites, Parasites, Parasites. Where else can you find such words as "diarrhea," "megacolon" and "frothy vaginal discharge" together?

Awesome … the lady behind me just coughed phlegm all over my jacket. Gross.

Forgot I ate lots of fresh beets the last 2 days, almost thought I had hemorrhoids. Happy Thanksgiving!

Check out these beautiful bowels" -actually referencing bowls on ebay

from PC World.com


mzchief said...

Now that I have finished gagging, allow me to thank you, ever so much, for all the bodily secretions information...

You nurse/doctor/medical tech/ems people have a VERY twisted sense of what is appropriate breakfast conversation.

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