Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday's Missives

Remember Cowboys Of Moo Mesa? Epic cartoon.

  • The fellas just a little thirsty- give him a break world. I give him an A for effort regardless.

  • I told Zachary I loved him the other day. He said politely, "Thank you, daddy."

  • Where did he learn to be so noncommital?

  • How to characterize the power of an IED? I was over a mile away when 3 of our soldiers were killed by one that struck their HUMMWV and it rattled my teeth and shook the ground around me.

  • Balloon boy is OK. Why are we so wrapped up in things such as that? Millions of people must have followed that drama.

  • On this day in history (October 16):456Magister militum Ricimer defeated Emperor Avitus at Piacenza and became master of the Western Roman Empire.

  • Good for him- I knew he could do it.


Gia's Spot said...

That is a most disturbing video - I had seen snips of it before - never the full, oh man... I wanted to throw up just watching how drunk he was...
Zachary is just a normal child whose center of the universe is himself so naturally he would just say thank you for loving him! When he gets older the me turns to we and then the lovin starts for real!!
Am grateful I have never experienced an IED for real!

YM said...

The video guy reminded me of a beetle on its back. I'm surprised he could move at all as drunk as he appeared to be.

I think the thank you is a good thing. Sometimes loving someone goes thankless.

The media has moved on from balloon boy to the White House party crashers.

Edith Bunker said...

I WAS going to buy a new workout video, but just watching that guy I can feel the burn in the abs, thanks for the freebie.

Mango's Madness said...

How can anyone get that drunk? If he lived, I would be amazed!!


el chupacabra said...

My guess is he was on a combo of an antipsychotic such as thorazine and alcohol