Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday's Digressions

    Apples from the Sonic version of a Happy Meal. Apple slices- great choice to have for your child, right? I'm curious though: this picture was taken after the slices stayed in an open bag after coming out already sliced and then they lay on the floorboard of the car in 90 degree heat- for two days. When I slice one at home they turn brown before I can even round the children up to eat them. Hmmm...

  • I went to school with a girl who had a goal of writing out every number on notebook paper up to 1 million. She carried a stack of paper probably two inches thick with numbers written very small on the front and back of each paper. I don't remember the exact number but, it was in the tens of thousands.

  • She was also responsible for most of us seeing an image of a dead person for the first time. She told us her parents took a picture of her baby brother after he died of SIDS. We said,"Uh, uh did not!" she said."Huh, huh did so!" and brought us a picture the very next day of an obviously dead baby laying on a floor.

  • A trillion dollars on particle colliders, planned trips to the moon and Mars, film business is a multi billion dollar business in this country alone- we don't have any problems.

  • I can't write the word dollar that I don't think of my college economics professor. He had a very particular way of saying it and insisted we all pronounced it properly.

  • Dahlahr- is the closest I can get.

  • Someone gently tried to correct me when I pronounced laser properly the other day. Laser is an acronym. The s has a c sound since it's from the word stimulated. It's not layzer- it's laycer.

  • Unusual headline: Man found asleep in closet... with a corpse.


Gia's Spot said...

as for those sliced apples? I believe they use citric acid (like lemon juice) to keep them looking so fresh! I could be wrong but.....

el chupacabra said...

gia pet- oh, thanks that's good to hear, all I could think of was radiation...

Ada said...

I use fruit fresh ( a powder you dissolve in water) to keep my apples their true color when I cut and serve them. Easier to get kids to eat apples if they aren't turning brown. :)

I think the girl maybe needs a little do her parents. Yikes!

I'm going to start saying laser that way...we'll see what happens. :)

mzchief said...

* Crunch Pak is the largest distributor, in the U.S., of pre-sliced apple's. They us a proprietary mix if ascorbate vitamin C, calcium and other "inert" minerals to assure their organic apple slices do not brown for up to 90 days. When I make an apple tartan or chicken salad with apples I wash my apple slices in a bowl with a couple of cups of cold water and a tablespoon of Ascorbate Vitamin C Powder so my apples never brown.

* OMG! You went to Harvard and had the same economics professor as me.

* I do not see that headline as being so unusual. I know BG.

MarmiteToasty said...

You have strong looking hands :) nuffin like zombie hands which I thought they might be like lol


el chupacabra said...

ada- you're right on the therapy thing i bet. that girl was only with us a year or two and i believe that happened in the 3rd grade but, i think of her often and wonder where/how she's doing. other people i've spoken to don't even remember her.

mz- 90 days wow- don't know whether to be scared or impressed!

marmsie- thanks- i do get a lot of comments and compliments on my hands.

Opus #6 said...

That is the ACTUAL Chup hand????

You have lost your anonymity forever. I will submit for fingerprint analysis.

el chupacabra said...

op- d'oh, i was waiting for that one! please don't do that, i don't need ALL my secrets outed.

besides, anything a lovely such as yourself wants to know she would need but, ask of the ole chupacabra.

todd said...

The dead guy in the closet was grave as a turnip.

el chupacabra said...

todd- ha that's greatness!

an Donalbane said...

The term seems to have Shakespearean overtones, evocative of Mercutio's (in Romeo & Juliet) paronomasia "ask for
me to-morrow, and you shall find me a grave man".