Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday's Thought

I was challenged once to look within for the answers to life's mysteries. After trying it once I can assure you- I'll never do it again: it was all dark and squishy. I was surrounded by blood and guts and everything was supported by a network of bones while being surrounded by a thin layer of skin...


MarmiteToasty said...

I looked inside me head once........ empty...... bloody empty :)


Opus #6 said...

I dissected cadavers while in Chiropractic College. I was scared straight after that, I tell you. I eat much healthier now and exercise regularly. Unhealthy habits accumulate in the body. Garbage in, garbage out.

el chupacabra said...

marmsie- i know better. i think anyway.

op- are you a practicing chiropractor? they do great things. very, very tough school as well.

Ada said...


MarmiteToasty said...

I use to have a head full of dreams and ideas etc, but they all seeped out with the harshness of life over the years....... :)
