Friday, October 16, 2009

Fallen Warrior Steve Morin 36 Infantry Division

Life is as the weight of a feather compared to one’s duty
—Japanese Proverb

SGT Steve Morin died in Iraq on September 28 2005 when an IED struck his vehicle approximately 60 days before he was to rotate home.

According to the page I got some of my information from he was one of 460 people to die from Texas. He was one of 98 people 34 years old and one of 7 to die on that day. Washington Post

He and his wife Gwendolyn met while they were working for a photography company- he was playing Santa Clause, she an elf.

He left behind two children- a 6 year old boy who understood ,"Daddy is fighting the bad guys" and a 12 year old girl who I'm sure needed her daddy at that time and the years to come as much as any girl, especially after reading what a great dad, man and leader he was in life.

Steve held bachelors degrees in business and economics.

He enjoyed fishing, wrestling and reading to his children. DMN

There's a confluence point dedicated to him in Iraq.

I never met Steve although we had friends in common. Even though I like the above ancient proverb and tend to agree I can never forget the look of absolutely carrying the weight of the world on their backs and utter sadness on the faces of the men who knew him when we learned of his death.


Ada said...

God Bless him.

MarmiteToasty said...

Thank you Steve Morin........ for trying to keep us all safe..... you gave it all.....
