Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday's Dispatch

  • Although I haven't seen the most disgusting video in the history of disgusting which shall go nameless on this post- this one was quite distressing.

  • Among my elderly patients and others I've encountered who live to extremely advanced old age I've noted they: 1) don't eat very much at a sitting but, eat whatever they want. 2) Eat lots of fruits and veggies though. 3) Have a good sense of humor. 4) Drink lots of water. 5) Never seem obsessive about their health but, always take an active interest. 6) Get some exercise daily and believe it's important. 7) Tend to think logically as opposed to being emotionally driven. 8) Are friendly and interested in other peoples welfare and opinions. 9) Embrace new technology.10) Read books and newspapers and/or do crossword and word search puzzles. 11) Very independent.12) Eat lots of fiber. 13) Believe in getting their rest- even if they don't sleep long. 14) Get up early- even if not morning people.15) Rarely have trouble sleeping. 16) Rarely take a lot of meds and believe most people take too many. 17) Often take vitamins. 18) Are frugal even if wealthy and not stingy. 19) Believe in passing on life lessons. 20) Usually poo poo longevity questions though and see their longevity as a product of moderation- denying there's a secret. 21) Almost always have genetic proclivity in their history 22) Almost never drink sodas. 23) May smoke but, never drink alcohol in any real quantities.

  • Any others you've noticed?

  • Wrote a post once while hungry at about 2 o'clock in the morning. I rambled about food for several lines then mentioned a thought about one of my former patients who died while I was holding her hand. It was too random. I went back to change it later after it posted but, folks had commented on it- so it remained.

  • New truism- Never grocery shop when hungry or write a post for your blog.

  • When trying to remember which has one S and which has two when writing dessert (the sweet dish at the end of a meal) and desert (a desolate place) try this: picture your favorite, yummy dessert and nothing else but, the dessert with a label leaned against it that says, Simply Sweet and read it aloud in your mind a few times while looking at the card.

  • There's one problem we've solved together we'll never have to worry about again!

  • When I was in high school I was in a program to help get ready for college. We did classes on Saturdays and through part of the summer. It seemed like every desk and bathroom stall had SS carved or written on it somewhere. One of the coaches at my high school in Decatur TX told me what his nickname was and to watch for it when he found out I was taking classes at his Alma Mater,"I put it everywhere!" he proudly proclaimed.

  • He was called Super Sport.


YM said...

You are such a boy, trying to freak us out with disgusting photos. It worked, that one is awful! It's quite a juxtaposition with sweet little puppies ravaging a pig carcass.

I have longevity in my family, at least on my Mom's side. My Grandma lived to age 96. She was an early riser, hard worker, non-drinker but she snuck cigarettes out behind the garage. I think she'd have lived even longer if she could have stayed in her own home but when Grandpa's senile dementia became too much for her to handle, and he refused to go to a nursing home without her, she went with him.

Ada said...

The list sounds like something we should all do. Might make us live longer.

I was taught that dessert has two s's becuse you want two servings of dessert. It's worked for me. Not the two desserts but the spelling trick. :)

I love the SS story...what a fun guy.

el chupacabra said...

My Queen- Yes, I'm a bad man. With your ancestors longevity you have a long time to figure things out- that's what I also tell myself!

Ad Rock- That's a good one and two desserts has always worked- for me.

Opus #6 said...

The longevity information is great. Thanks for posting that. I gotta make sure I eat my veggies and fiber. Got the other stuff covered, mostly...

Gia's Spot said...

I stand with YM on the disgustedness of this photo, but I had to go back and look again, !(why do we do that anyway?)
The longevity list looks pretty complete according to some very long lived clients of mine! The females in my dad's side live to an average of 98, so I have a ways yet, yeah!!

YM said...

I was so traumatized by the photo I was scared to death to look at your linked video.

I don't think I'll figure things out if I live a million years haha.

Janessa said...

I'm a fairly new hospice nurse, but I would definitely agree with the sense of humor point. Almost all our 98/99/100 year old little old ladies are ridiculously funny.