Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday's Dispatch

    Found this big fella on the corner of the garage the other night. No, I didn't throw my 900 dollar camera to the ground and shriek like a little girl when he jumped from that stone to my pretty bald head. Click to enscareinate yourself.

  • Like anyone I suppose if I'm exposed to an image or some particular information before bed I'll often have dreams influenced by them that night. The other night took that to the crazy extreme. In my recliner that evening I checked the paper for a dog for my children and the sale pages for a new cutlery set. We then had to go to the store to look for a book my teenager needed in class and there I glanced at some of the Twilight books. That night in my dreams I was savaged by vampire dogs at every turn and had nothing to defend myself with except a fairly dull Ginsu.

  • Chop, chop, yelp, stabbity stab- yelp, yelp.

  • It was ridiculous but, intense.

  • The show Modern Family is great- was worn smooth out at the thought of the politically correct beating it was bound to dish out but, no- just very funny stories, good sight gags and jokes. And, yes it does make you think- without beating you about the head and neck.

  • If I was a scientist I think I would either study light- specifically LASER and LEDs or soils and plant life.

  • I think it's ridiculous LEDs are only just now coming into their own for general lighting use.

  • And nearly as bad is the only real weapons grade laser we have is a chemical laser that uses a 1000 gallons of chems is 20 or 30 feet long is carried by a C 130 and we're decades away from one that's more reasonably practical.

  • I had a computer programmer girlfriend once who got accepted to a job that if she had taken it would have been a scientist.

  • Why didn't she take the job? She found when they made her an offer you normally don't get paid a lot for the privilege of being introduced as a scientist.


an Donalbane said...

I think it would be fun to be a scientist/research engineer. The kind of job where you get to say "I wonder what would happen if you modified that just a little bit?"

All carefully documented with proper control group parameters, of course. As opposed to the standard redneck anthem of "Hey y'all, watch 'is!"

I could really dig being on Mythbusters.


Ada said...

Your dream made me laugh. :)

Sometimes I think of things before I go to sleep in hopes that I will dream of them.

If I was a scientist I would figure out how to make my famous poppers calorie free. Yep.

MarmiteToasty said...

I would be the typical 'mad scientist' :)

Don I LOVE that telly programme Mythbusters.....

I keep having a recurring dream 2 or 3 times a week, I wake up all hot and flustered and always have to check me feet........


Gia's Spot said...

I would love to be a paleontologist/forensic scientist...trying to find why something died tingles my toes! Cause that spider gives me the willies (which really when you think about it are tingles in a horror movie way!) ;)