Monday, July 27, 2009

Mondays Missives

  • Say Bob Loblaw Law Blog 5 times fast. idea stems from arrested development episode

  • Fun, isn't it!

  • I'm easily amused.

  • Recently took the baby on a walk down the street to the pond. We've gone ever since he was born but, I think this is the first time he walked all the way. He got muddy and threw rocks in the water. It was blissful. The neighbors smiled and waved as they drove by.

  • There's tadpoles by the thousands in there already.

  • He's not quite two and uses simple sentences: "I go outside." "It's in there." "Pretty flower." "I want bath."

  • He's getting a fire truck pedal car soon. It has removable ladders, a bell and a tank you pump up and he can spray water from a hose. I can't wait!

  • Ahem, well, purely for the educational value to the child of course!

  • Man, it's going to be cool.


MarmiteToasty said...

That baby is one smart little button......

Oh the Fire Engine sounds wonderful, Ive seen those in posh catelogues.... you will have a blast with it... opps I mean, button will just LOVE it lol

I love taking the nippers to the ponds around here, out main village pond was filled in back in the 60s and a little health centre built on the land.... it would of been more healthy to of kept the pond and made people walk to the other health centre....

Even today, at my age, I go to Petersfield Lake to feed the ducks with or without nippers.... aint nuffin nicer then being wrapped up against the cold in the winter being surrounded by hungry ducks that need feeding....

oh my tadpoles are great, you should let your baby take a little bucket of them home lol....

happy Monday..... overcast and raining again today....



Opus #6 said...

That is one sweet auto. Great idea. The little guy sounds advanced for his age. Those are good sentences. Enjoy every wonderful day with him. They grow up so quickly.

Miss_proper said...

say Irish Wristwatch.... lol

Ada said...

My girlfriends loooove arrested development. They quote it all the time, although I have never seen an episode. Hmmm...

Sounds like a great time, the walk w/the sweet boy.

an Donalbane said...

I would like one of those fire engines with a Kawasaki motor...

el chupacabra said...

marms- we bring tadpoles up every year then put them out in flowerbed when they turn to toads

opie- thanks. im proud, if thats not obvious!

g- good one! could even say it once. crazy

ada- you need to try arrested development. subtle genius- you'll be hooked.

don- or a busa?

Anonymous said...

Great blog! Studly

YM said...

Studly, huh? Someone else knows you are Eric Bana.