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Mondays Missives

- It's hard to explain but, I have to access my blog through some weird channels sometimes. When I'll log in I'm taken to a home page where I have to click on a tiny icon at the bottom of the page. Other times I'm taken to a page where you create/post posts and I have to click on a blogger icon at the top left of the page.
- Screwy.
- Also, I've tried several times to get a counter to work- they either don't show up at all or an empty box that says counter will be there. Although oddly, one of my friends commented on the high number of hits I had received and was sure there was a counter present not long after I tried to apply one although I never saw it even by going to the site with a search and no log in.
- Goofy.
- Also it comes up to the edit/add page randomly when I log in instead of dashshboard.
- I would never get involved with a woman who has a long term, disabling disease but, I would be the best thing that ever happened to woman (I think) who was struck by something after we got together due to my nursing experience, personal nature and belief in the vow, In sickness and in health..."
- Is that wrong?
- Recently I was going to say to a friend in a text, "I feel for you bro." instead I wrote,"I fell for you." Whoa, back that train up!
- I wish I could quit you...
- Ha, is that how that line goes? I've never seen the movie.
- I've been in Larry McMurtry's bookstore in Archer City and want to go back.
- Still amazed how fast the new bicycle is every time I get on it after riding a clunky 44lb mountain bike for so long.
This is a great counter... AND it tells you where the people are from that read your blog, who many read it and how they got to your blog...
This is the counter thingie that I use...
I think with all the shernangins thats going on when you try and log onto your blob, well, I think your blob is haunted LOL....
And NO I dont think 'its wrong' I feel exactly the same, well towards and on going, gonna be worse, disease thing....and again, I would stick with someone and love and protect and be there for that person if they became ill with something terrible..... til death us do part, Im afraid when one is really in love, then there would be no other option...ever..
am I wrong...
lol@ word verification - scroxin - I read it as scrotum LMAFOA......oh hush Im tired LOL
pps..... ya did mean a disease that was something so aweful its hard to think about, and not just someone being deaf or with a double jointed thumb or something like that? :)
pps...... I use to have an old 'sit up and beg' bike with a baby seat on the back and a seat on the bar and I would struggle with two little tots on this 3 geared old bike whilst my X had a top of the range bike with like 28 gears.... and I wondered why he could go up hills etc and I would have to get off and push mine with children attached...... until, I thought sod it and bought a bike with more gears, well, I was away with the fairys from that day forth.....
cripes - sorry.... its what your bloody blob does to me LOL
ok this goes public, so with that said..give me your email and i can add you to my blog. I temporarily marked it breach! lol
I feel the same way vis-รก-vis dating a woman with a known disease. As much heartache (cue Bonnie Tyler) as I've been through the last two years, I don't think it's selfish to avoid intentionally setting myself up for another. But having said that, I think you and I are wired similarly in adherence to the better/worse, richer/poorer, sick/healthy vows. I lack the nursing skills, though.
I don't know if it's women today, or society in general, but it seems there sure are lots of people who treat marriage as a merry-go-round. In the words of Dan Fogelberg "Changing horses in the middle of a stream
Gets you wet and sometimes cold
Changing faces in the middle of a dream gets you old".
Don't feel (or fell) bad about not seeing Brokeback Mountain. I totally understand the concept, and don't necessarily have a problem accepting that there are gay cowboys, just doesn't interest me to see it, so I didn't.
BTW, is the proper term for such an individual cowboy or cowpoke?
Now that may be wrong...
gina- thanks- i'll try it.
marmsie- ha! thanks. yes- meant some debilitating, sure enough disease that consumes both people. also, really have been curious about this subject since i innocently brought it up once and was accused of being heartless etc. i think the accuser really needed to believe something bad about me and they clung to that statement and made something out of it that wasn't there. the idea being simply if it's before the vows other than simple human decency it's your decision what you do with your life. after the vows you have no choice unless they are unfaithful.
musey hi! ok
don- liked that fogelberg quote- very good, very pertinent. ha!- cowpoke. you are going to get both of us in troubles!
I went out with a bloke once who had an earache, jebus, one would of thought he only had 2 weeks to live.... that was very debilitating LOL....
how could anyone accuse you of all people of being 'hearless'...and your right, before there is a choice, after, there is total, love, respect and deep deep protection.... well for me there would be....
heartless my arse...
oh and that would be heartless not hearless unless you are actually deaf then that would make sense LOL
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