Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday's Dispatch

    Edit: almost forgot- really trying to always give credit for anything I use here. The above cartoon came from Mrs Obi another hot, smart and funny blogger I'm lucky enough to have occasionally post a comment here. She also is a politician and public servant of the highest order.

  • A 17 year old British boy has become the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe beating the previous record holder (an American) by a few months.

  • How awesome- simply cannot imagine.

  • A Dutch girl of 13s circumnavigation has been put on hold by Dutch authorities.

  • The compass is among my favorite inventions. It amazes how old a development it is and how it has changed the world. Personally, it amazes to be able to look at a map, plot a course and day or night if you can keep a pace or have a distinctive landmark as a goal you can accurately arrive at any point.

  • My favorite compass flashback: on the way back from Iraq we could go in and out of the cockpit and the attendants area in the back of the aircraft. I think they hand picked those girls for looks and smelling good. Man, they smelled good , wait a second- I don't want to get sidetracked but, you know, think about it- after a year of smelling butt, feet, sweat, blood, death, filth, dirt- you get the idea. Man, they smelled good and the funny thing is you could smell all the good smells separately. Shampoo, cologne, makeup- lip gloss man, oh- man.

  • Anyway, for Christmas our First SGT gave us all compasses. I talked to this one girl off and on the whole flight. When I would go back to my seat she would come by and talk there- when I wasn't talking to her in the back. When were about to deplane I pressed that compass into her hand. She wasn't sure what it was at first but, saw quickly it could be opened so she did. I said,"For the rest of your life when you lose your way or feel like no one cares look at this, remember me and know somebody appreciates you." She started crying- I mean sobbing and wrapped her arms around me and wouldn't let go- the guys behind me had to wait. When I looked up most everybody around us was looking at the floor. I'll never forget that little moment in time.

  • I'm such a snot!

  • She had soft, curly hair and smelled pretty.


Anonymous said...

You are a snot! But a very amazing man. What an awesome post. I bet she looks at that compass often and thinks of you. Good aromas are so very important. Glad you had that to take you away from all of the smells you were stuck with while giving of yourself so willingly.

Gia's Spot said...

Your posting these things are a compass you give to us all.....thanks!

el chupacabra said...

hey girl- thanks as i often find myself saying - you are easily impressed and amused!

gia- thanks. i know we should accept compliments without necessarily feeling the need to return the favor but, have to say you're profession is more than underappreciated in our land so thank you too.

Opus #6 said...

Just because you had an ulterior motive, doesn't mean it wasn't a sweet thing to do. Besides, she was probably just looking for an excuse to move in closer and breathe deeply of your aroma.

Great cartoon as well. Captures the situation with regards to our returning vets.

el chupacabra said...

lady O- gosh- thanks. that's what i'll believe from now on- i need more good memories, so yeah, thanks again.

an Donalbane said...

Hey! Wasn't that compass giving thing part of the plot of Message in a Bottle with Robin Wright-Penn and [Non-com] Kevin Costner? (Yeah, I know, it was kinda a chik-flik...)

I thought that was a pretty cool gesture...would give a woman a compass if I could find the right one (woman, not compass).

el chupacabra said...

don- hey man. don't know if that's where i jacked it from or not- i thought it was original anyway! did see that though- years ago and only remember it seemed like it was way better than i thought it would (or could) be and was very surprised.

mzchief said...

Let me get this straight; a dear soul who just so happens to be a playa like you, who comes prepackaged with good kiddos and a sweet little cherub is single? Blimey! Fold up the tents and fill in the latrines, the human race is finished.

el chupacabra said...

mz- i know- it's crazy, right? wish me luck and send me some good kharma or whatever energy you store up.

Ada said...

i love the compass story and I'm willing to bet she tells it more often than you.
Just sayin'.

mzchief said...

To Chupacabra...
I will say an extra prayer for you. Incidentally, you are the one who has banked some awesome Karma for yourself.

el chupacabra said...

ada- that makes me feel good- honestly never considered that. what a good thought.

mz- thanks. as usual: appreciate your thought process.

RPM said...

Ok, ya almost melted my titanium reinforced heart with that one. That was a classy move.