Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Just A Tuesday

  • Humans are weird and irrational: You would not have to look too far to find someone for instance who works in a high rise who won't go to work on September 11 for fear of an attack. This is the  same person who would drive 80 mph while doing her makeup, texting, drinking coffee all while tailgating the driver in front of her when driving to work every other day of the year.
  • I wish I could remember the dream I was having this morning (05052013) right before I woke, it was pretty funny and deep? It involved an elderly former politician explaining to me as a kid how you could tell a lot about a person by how they threw a baseball. It boiled down to the one who held the power over people was the one who could hold an audiences attention rapt while he discusses the stitching of a baseball and makes you believe he knows what another person thinks or feels based on how they handle a ball.
  • We're going to Scarborough Faire today. If we don't open the place we'll at least get there early. We didn't tell the children we're going, just got everybody bathed and fed and put in bed reasonably early last night.
  • This computer is still randomly jumping up a line and my typing ends up in the middle of the previous thought. I must be hitting a key stroke short cut I'm not aware of but it is annoying. It comes out a jumbled mess. Ha-ha, I get it- just like it starts in my brain.
  • Mudvayne Scream With Me


Unknown said...

My computer has been doing the same thing. When you combine that problem with the fact that i tend NOT to look at the screen when I'm typing, it's a wonder there haven't been big problems...

I just read a book about your first point. How we have trouble assessing risk. I said to someone a couple weeks ago that HAD WE KNOWN what we know now about Saddam Hussein, we might have been better served investing in lightning-resistant boots for everybody. But lightning doesn't make the news...

el chupacabra said...

Hi ya Katy- Same here.

I think I heard them talk about that book on NPR. Love the Saddam quote- I've already jacked it to publish later so that it doesn't get lost to time.