Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday's Missives

  • At a church I was part of once the preacher knew I was pretty good at designing landscapes and flowerbeds, easily talked into doing stuff and generally- saying no impaired so he had me at a disadvantage when he hinted about how terrible the flowerbeds looked. Needless to say after a quick sketch, about 300 dollars worth of supplies and plants and many hours under a hot Texas sun later (nearly all after the night shift at work) there was a couple of pretty decent looking flowerbeds with the plants chosen for long lasting color, ease of maintenance and in the case of one plant it was chosen because being mentioned in the Bible. I overheard a woman voicing her concerns about how expensive the work must have been. "Oh, Kevin took care of all of it- he did all the work and paid for it." Well, that's alright I guess- it's pretty but, I feel the church should have been consulted." came the reply. Found out later she wasn't the only one this bothered.

  • Really- I'm not kidding.

  • And people are shocked when their churches don't grow and they in fact lose members.

  • Still looking for an aquarium for my children.

  • My oldest sometimes rides in vehicles with kids I really don't know. I work to keep this to a minimum without ruining him socially but, this makes me nervous. He understands a lot of kids are bad drivers and kill themselves and others often and I hope this helps him make good decisions when I'm not there.

  • Recently 2 kids from his school were involved in an accident miles away from school- with each other!

  • Spiritual pain is a condition encountered as a person who is dying is not right with their maker as they say or has issues with family that triangulate in a religious way. This can cause a death to drag on for weeks literally when others in the same condition physically would have slipped away peacefully long ago.

  • It's also called, running from the Devil.
  • A good business would be collating content from a persons blog, put a cover on it and convert it to book form for the owner. It would be easy to figure out, cheap to do and I bet a lot of people would use the service.


Opus #6 said...

Now I remember why I come here. Everything you say makes SO MUCH SENSE.

Hard to believe how ungrateful those church people were. Why didn't THEY get down and dig the dirt if it meant so GOSH DARNED MUCH to them!!!!

Whew. Calming down now. Oooommmmmm. There.

I work very hard to communicate the things I need to with my friends and family. We never know when our number will be up. Best to be ready.

That is another reason I blog. Just in case something happens to me, I want my kids to have some place to go to read my own words. Hear my favorite songs. Feel a bit of my angst and pleasure. See my interactions with friends. Blogging is really a cool thing to do. And making it into a book/printout is a great idea.

I hope the December scene is treating you well, Chup. My best to you and yours.

Ada said...

If it isn't a salvation issue we aren't going to argue it. That is the saying at our church. And I'm pretty sure that flowers aren't even close to a salvation issue.

My dad wouldn't let me ride with anyone he didn't know and approve. And I hated it. Of course now that I'm a parent it makes perfect sense to me.

Never heard the "running from the devil". Makes sense though. Bet you see a lot of it. How do you do it Chup?

Oh and you can make a book out of your blog. That is one reason why I do our family blog. Much easier than a scrapbook. Check out blurb, lulu or blog2print. :)

Gia's Spot said...

Chup, how right this post is.
*This is the way I see the majority of people reacting not only in a religious way but in all things. So ready to complain about something but run fast and far if asked to contribute any of their time or thought or energy to find a better solution. I actually had a woman tell me I had "fallen for" the hype of sending things to the soldiers,that they didn't really need anything, but it was nice of me to do so. What a sad sentiment for our times!

*I hated my girls riding in cars. The year my youngest turned fifteen, she lost six boys from her class in two accidents. that was horrendous to say the least! They were both involved in high speed chases and lost control. Death by joyride, how sad.

*To this day, my sisters,brothers, daughters, grandkids, always leave with a hug and a kiss as if it needs to last a lifetime!
Merry Christmas, Chup, I hope you are feeling better!

YM said...

My little grandma was 96 when she died. She'd been on her death bed several times before and I felt guilty for wondering why she couldn't give up. I can't imagine why that good woman would have needed to run from the devil and I hate the thought that she was afraid to die. It's an interesting idea but I sure hope it's not true.