Monday, June 15, 2009

Mondays Missives

  • In spite of being an avid observer, very amateur photographer of and general lover of wildlife and any show covering them oddly, the subject of oceanic aquatic life holds no interest for me.
  • On another blog Jarhead (I think it was) mentioned his prejudice towards fat people and cigarette smokers in that he automatically assumes them to be of lower than average intelligence. I have to admit I feel the same way and have contemplated the possible meanings of this thought for awhile.
  • My son and nephew kept replaying a Korn song for the soundtrack to their Wii game- now I can't get that stinking thing out of my mind.
  • I love having kids around and it would suit me just fine if the house was full of them.
  • This post has been scheduled for quite some time. Is Hamageddon over? Is anyone left alive to read this?


MarmiteToasty said...

Im the same, but with African wildlife, it dont really hold me interest, except the giaraffes..oh and monkeys and I did say Zebras right lol - I do dont know why, it just dont... and a safari to africa would be last on me list, me maties went there last year and as lovely as it sounded I would rather go to china...

I to love a house full of children, be they little nippers or me lads older maties....... and when they have left home and I have the room I expect I will foster, if I aint to old...... I cant imagine growing old in my little house without noise and music and children around.....

that thought scares me...

maybe I will move to the states and buy a huge house and take in all the children that society no longer wants.....


Miss_proper said...

I admire your honesty about the prejudice. It hurts to see things about us that we don't like.

Having said that... and having once been 386 pounds.. in the 160's now after gastric... I can tell you that that perception isn't right. As with ALL people some are more intelligent and some are less. It certainly isn't a market that is cornered by those with food and cigarette addictions.

I have learned many things in the last few years, that people are WOUNDED.. that everyone fights a battle of some kind. Most people don't show their scars... some do.. with weight.

Just my two cents as a person that has lived both lives....

an Donalbane said...

I just wanna know where to find The Far Side panels to use in my blog. I looked a while back and found that they are almost non-existent on the interwebs. Something about GL being real protective of "his children".

At the time, I needed to illustrate something with the image of the chunky kid with the huge cheeks and glasses.

One of my fave GL panels has to be "Bummer of a birthmark, Hal!"

el chupacabra said...

marmsie- Texas is in dire need of foster parents. bring your English bum over here and start taking care of them!

gina- thanks for not taking my observation personally and 'getting' my statements in the spirit they were offered: just another lost soul looking for answers.

don- will send a link if i come across it again. i found a blog once that had hundreds of those strips. i think i may have only saved the few i thought id use but, im not sure. ill look when i get my main computer back up.