Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesdays Digressions

  • The floor in my kitchen gets unbelievably slippery when its wet- as in you spill water while standing at the sink without taking a step you do the splits and fall over on your head. Whoever designed that tile must have used Make the slipperiest, most dangerous flooring in the world! as their mission statement.
  • Everyone who recommends the movie Rudy to me as said to the effect,"You can't make it to the end without crying" or "I promise you'll cry" etc- crying is always in the description anyway. Just what I need- more misery.
  • I have never seen the movie Rudy.
  • I have a (I think) very bright friend who works in a profession where I would also think it's assumed you would have to be very smart but, when he says Et cetera or uses fathom in a sentence he says "excetera" and "phantom."
  • Saw handmade 200.00 flip flops in a catalog yesterday and that's what they called them, no fancy schmancy name- flip flops $200.00.
  • I don't know which would be crazier: paying 200.00 for flip flops or having the nerve to put a 200.00 price tag on them in the first place.
  • My two year old lifted his leg and cut a fart and then started laughing while he was sitting in my lap the other night.
  • I have no idea where he got that from.
  • An extended family member told me she loved me the other night and hugged me, it surprised me but, I needed to hear that and it felt good.


The Accomplice said...

Who would buy $200.00 flip flops. not me, the cheap brand will suite me just fine.

YM said...

i buy the doodads they put on their $200 flip flops and put them on my $6.00 ones. They look nearly the same.