Saturday, January 10, 2009

La Familia

That's my dad in my grandfathers lap. The second person from the left is my dads favorite sister known as Mae. After a career as a queen size exotic dancer she died of heart failure at age 36 weighing over 300 pounds. My dad died from a 12 ga. shotgun blast to the chest.
Wonder what they would have done differently if they had the chance.


Kathleen... said...

Wow...that post is beautiful in a literary sense, yet terribly sad. I'm sorry about your father. I often wonder, whilst looking at old photos, "Would they have done things differently if they'd known?" I suppose we all do...because we wonder about ourselves. =)

LandShark 5150 said...

GREAT POST -- really. My family history reads close ...Ano I agree, I think we all do.