Friday, March 16, 2018

So I am walking along in the woods near Sunshine Lake this morning and I see what at first glance I thought to be a phone book. This makes me think the downed tree limb was somebody's dookie station and they wiped with pages from the phone book. As soon as I thought that, I thought, Uh, wait, what!? They had a PHONE BOOK and nooooo McDonald's napkins or junk mail etc? That doesn't make sense. Its 2018 not 1918... and anyway- phone book? Where did that thought even come from? Whose response to anything is- phone book?!



an Donalbane said...

Yikes! Looks like Weatherford's more, uh, progressive, than I'd thought.

Probably perverts from Peaster...or Poolville.

el chupacabra said...

Ha! I know that's right. Did you note the date- 2000! It's vintage ghey pron.