Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Favorite Knife

My son gave me this knife for fathers day so that would qualify it for favorite status regardless but, I like it because it's light, has the serrated blade and the clip holds it real tight on my pocket. It also has a very positive lock and feels good in my hand. I posted on Britains national knife violence laws recently. I understand cultural differences and all but, wouldn't the average law abiding Brit. need a knife just as much as anyone else? I use mine at least once a day and could not see living without one.

PM Brown told The Sun, "You cannot be casual or cool about knives. Society cannot cope with people carrying guns and knives and threatening to use them." A recent spate of fatal stabbings prompted Brown to focus his attention on knife-related crimes.

I guess the truism, bad situations make for bad laws applies everywhere. In the UK gun ownership is severely restricted and from what I can determine the masses seem good with that. From comments sections of news articles and blogs, interviews with Brits and newspaper articles, firearms seem to be demonized very effectively. It's interesting how their PM went from talking about knives (something he wants them to fear) to lumping them with something they already fear- very telling.

I'd ask if people really fall for that horrible logic but, sadly I know the answer.


an Donalbane said...

Well, if guns are outlawed, and knives are outlawed, pretty soon there's gonna be a whole lotta forking going on.

Presumably, one's position on forks will be dependent on whether you're the forker or the one being forked.

I appreciate the value attached to a knife given by your son, but I would have guessed you to be more of a Kershaw/KaBar/Gerber kinda guy...

Anonymous said...

Hey Don- Interesting you'd mention those brands. I carry a Ken Onion design Kershaw that I've had for years and and have had and lost (or given away) more Gerbers than I care to remember. I still have and use frequently the Gerber multi tool I carried during the war.
I've dared myself to buy a KaBar, but couldn't see that kind of money for something though admittedly cool I would be buying just to have something that is yeah- kinda cool.
Oddly I can't remember the brand of the knife I bought as my last defence weapon to zip tie to my body armor in case it came down to a 'to the death' wrasslin match with a mooj (can you imagine?) Anyway, it has a Tanto point with a synthetic handle. Although I haven't seen it in years it was was sick sharp- literally dangerous as a 1/2 pound 8 inch razor and I'm curious to see if it still is and need to dig it out.
Take care- Kev

RPM said...

What Don said. Pretty soon they will be outlawing pointy sticks and nails.

MarmiteToasty said...

on of my sons got a knife pulled out on him in town whilst in a local shop, by an X of his girlfriend... he didnt use it, but he waved it at my lads face..... he goes to court on 4th May, and may he get the book thrown at him....

he denied the incident accured but it was even caught on CTV and him saying it was just a bunch of keys fell on death ears, and as my son said, he wouldnt of backed away from a bunch of keys....


MarmiteToasty said...

and one CAN have a knife over here, as long as there is a viable reason to be carrying one....
