Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday's Digressions

Zac and his rocket ship- but, I guess that was obvious huh?

  • From my sons Ipod.

  • Bumper sticker I saw in Weatherford TX: "God bless our troops- especially the snipers."

  • Zac played the harmonica this morning and made the dog howl.

  • I have no idea what the movie A Kiss Before Dying is about but, I like the title. It sounds bleakly romantic.

  • If I'm like any character on television it would probably be Ted from Better Off Ted.

  • But, probably more like the Boggy Creek Monster from The Legend Of Boggy Creek.

  • Speaking of which, I've seen the area surrounding Boggy Creek on the Texas side. If you had been with me you would have no trouble believing there's a monster in there- or at least believing that people believe.

  • Zac locked me out of the house when I ran outside a minute ago to start the car- instant terror.


The Ranter said...

My kids make our howl by the harmonica, the piano or singing "How much is that doggie in the window". Don't ask, I had never heard the song before either.

an Donalbane said...

Speaking of the snipers, a Brit sniper, Cpl. Harrison of the Household Cavalry, has earned a world record for taking out two Taliban machine gunners last November in Afghanistan, at 2,707 yards with an Accuracy International AWM .338 Lapua Mag.

Talk about reaching out and touching someone...that ain't your dad's .30-06.