Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday's Dispatch

Simmermon twins Twinsburg Ohio

  • Another note regarding the Turner Falls trip: saw one person I vaguely recognized and two I knew while there. Three hours away from home in another state in a 1500 acre park in a swimming hole- kinda notable coincidence- much less their presence aside, just the fact they were recognized in that sea of humanity.

  • A Swiss acupuncturist is being investigated for intentionally infecting people with HIV. If this outrageous, ineffective and dangerous practice was outlawed as it should be- this and other problems would never have to happen. People die often from infections caused by this nonsense and in fact as hard as it may be to believe people have died from complications stemming from a punctured lung after undergoing this practice.

  • I mean come on- it's 2010- not 1010!

  • Just read the Cali girl who is attempting a circumnavigation of the planet is lost at sea. She was attempting to set the new worlds record. Such a brave girl and a very interesting story. I guess there's still hope- she was well equipped and prepared, it's just contact has been lost, emergency beacons have been activated and the nearest ship is 400 miles away from her location.
  • Wonder how many people have been lost at sea? I assume it would have to be hundreds of thousands.

  • It is unbelievably hot already. If I plant any flowers or new trees will just have to care for same so gardening may be forgotten this year.

  • Recent conversation with Zac,"Am I a baby?" "No honey, I think you're more what they call a toddler." "I'm not a tottler! I'm Zachary James Lee!"

  • Easy there tiger- have it your way.


YM said...

Yeah, the flowers I planted in pots are showing the heat badly.

an Donalbane said...

Those girls creep me out.

Are they cousins of Pugsley and Wednesday Addams?