Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Sunny Sunday's Spiritual Summary

  • Pearl Jam Just Breath- what a pretty song.

  • Something I just read a minute ago: If you tell the truth it becomes part of your past. If you tell a lie it becomes part of your future.

  • In the past 15 years I've told exactly one lie and it's weighing on me right now.

  • And I promise you it wasn't that big of one.

  • Saw an old best bud from my Army days yesterday. It couldn't have been more random and we both blurted out truthfully,"I was just talking about you!" We saw each other at a restaurant he'd never been to before and was only there because the person he sold a truck to lived in the town and wanted to buy his lunch. I needed to feed Zac and although I'd just about given up on the place- if nothing else they always get your food to you quick and the air is always ice cold.

  • He leaves for Japan in a couple of days for a 3 year tour of duty.

  • I'm sure it will be grueling.
  • I never ever spell restaurant correctly the first time.
  • No, not even then.

  • When I got to Iraq a couple of soldiers who had been in one of my old platoons as privates and were then team and squad leaders said to me,"I think about how you and SGT Foreman in the treated us in the old scout platoon and all the classes and encouragement you gave us all the time. You really took care of us and we try to be like you to the young guys in our squads."

  • It was one of the few times I wanted to cry over there.

  • If all goes as planned when this publishes I will be watching the sunrise while camping with my boys.
  • The oldest has a deficit in his jawbone with a cyst that was discovered yesterday. It is of a type that is essentially never cancer, but didn't stop me from looking at him a little differently after hearing about it and the word biopsy being used in the same sentence as his name.


YM said...

That is a pretty song. wah huh

an Donalbane said...

I dunno about that pic, Chup.

Jesus was very discerning - I think he would've chosen a Marlin over a Winchester.

Just sayin'...