Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Surprise Giggle

"Roller, you are crossing over to the dark side. ;-) Don't worry about it. Conservatives are cool. And the ladies are prettier and cleaner."opus 6 hot conservative blogger and very fertile female. On this soldiers blog.


LandShark 5150 said...

Yes she is, great blogger also. I have'nt commented much on her blog, it is everything I can do just to get mine out. But she is very heads up on current affairs and quite the looker too.

Ada said...

I agree with Opus 6. :)

Opus #6 said...

Chup, I am all aflutter that you made a post out of my comment. :-D

Sabe usted que yo hablo espanol? Podemos hablar en este lengua si quiere.

el chupacabra said...

shark- i know- what's not to dig- right?

ada- because you're a hot, clean, conservative girl?!
opie- o cool thanks and your welcome- as appropriate. love the language (and learning some of any other languages as well) but, no not fluent. i'm adept at languages-specifically spanish but, get rusty quickly. when i did public health I had a goal of being able to do my intake interview in spanish without assist of a translator. accomplished that and was even able to communicate over the phone well with my patients but, that was several years ago and my brain has a bad habit of hitting delete on info and skills that aren't getting used.

Opus #6 said...

I have been working the Rosetta Stone lately. My confidence has increased. My grown daughter learned to speak Italian before her semester in Rome using Rosetta Stone. Ack. Now I sound like some commercial.

Ada said...

Chupa: well, yes. Of course.

el chupacabra said...

op- very expensive but, with an endorsement like that from such a trusted source- may have to give it a try!

ada bo bada- ha, good girl.

King of New York Hacks said...

Can that Rosetta Stone program get rid of a New Yawk accent ???

Opus #6 said...

King, promise me you will NEVER get rid of your New Yawk accent!

I <3 New York!

MarmiteToasty said...

I have no accent :)


el chupacabra said...

king- never lose that accent! groups who should always do the same and never lose their accents:deep southerners, new yorkers, bostonians and brits.