Saturday, June 10, 2017

This Evening (06/10/2016)

a girl I know has said she was going to come by but then later said she was going to hang out with friends at a bar. Now she is still coming by- just later.

She thinks she is gonna get likkered up and come by for a booty call.


Mike M. said...

That's exactly what it sounds like...

el chupacabra said...

Yeah, now that we got the wimmins all figured out...

an Donalbane said...

I know lots of guys who spend large sums on the latest fishing gear, boats, lures, and outdoor clothing in anticipation of hours at the dock, stream, or lake, hoping to land a fish or two. If, on the other hand, Grasshopper, the fish leaps into your creel, it would beg the philosophical question of whether there is really a problem here...

Sounds to me like all ya gotta do is set the hook and reel it in.